Visiting Grup Serban
Bacău, 2022
An example of sustainable integrated agriculture under severe natural constraints.
Grup Șerban farm is a successful example of sustainable integrated agriculture in an area of ​​Romania with increasingly severe natural constraints. The integration of the livestock sector, the bakery, the transition to no-till and the diversification of crop rotation with species more tolerant to water stress, such as sorghum, are examples of practices that indicate this.Â
During the visit, Mr. Nicu Șerban presented us the group of companies and his approach with which he manages the cultivation of over 12,500 ha of agricultural crops in Vaslui and Bacău counties.
For Grup Șerban farm, the driver of the change towardsconservation practices was the need to secure the profit margin in the conditions of the recurrent lack of water in the area. The efficient use of limited resources was therefore the only way to perform under the given conditions.
In the field, we saw a demonstration of direct seeding with a no-till seeder, and then we all analyzed the long-term result of this practice on a field-made soil profile. We observed here how a consistent straw cover maintained moisture for the rapeseed crop in autumn, even after a summer of severe water deficit.

Learn more about the practices of other farms:
Agro Fond Invest

Alisa Group
