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Sign up for GreenFields Academy

Registration form

    *Enrollment in the program does not guarantee automatic admission to GreenFields Academy. You can read the next steps after registration below!

    Last level of education completed

    English level (self-assessment).

    Are you the owner of the farm?

    Do you practice conservation or regenerative agriculture techniques on the farm?

    Are you willing to implement conservation agriculture practices on your own farm during the program?

    What happens after registration?

    Next steps


      1. You will receive an e-mail confirmation informing you that we have received your form.


      2. Your application is analyzed by the admission committee.


      3. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will be contacted to schedule an online interview.


      4. You participate to an online admission interview.

      5. You will be contacted to find out the admission result.

      6. If you are accepted, it is your start in GreenFields Academy.